hereEquipment We Process - GreenPlace eWaste Recycling

Green Place for Electronic waste Recycling and ITAD service in Egypt, Middle east and Africa.

Equipment We Process

The most frequent shipments we receive from businesses will include both electronics with potential for reuse and obsolete equipment with no remaining useful life. Our job is to quickly determine whether the equipment can be reused or recycled. We offer refurbishment, redeployment, and resale services to maximize reuse potential, recognizing that reusing electronics yields better environmental outcomes.

GP is actively in the vanguard of advancing recycling technology. We invest in machinery that produces cleaner raw materials that can be utilized more efficiently in the production of new products.

Acceptable Materials for Recycling

This list provides an overview of the IT assets and electronic trash we accept for IT asset disposition and e-recycling.

Material Not Accepted

Equipment that contains liquids, gases, or radioactive material is not allowed in the GP facilities. GP facilities are too small to accommodate bulky objects. We are able to accept "loose" batteries if they are properly wrapped for shipping.

A Note from the Industry

When recycling assets, batteries, toners, inks, mercury bulbs, and CRT monitors are the most typical materials that require specific management. Before recycling, responsible recyclers will hand remove these dangerous materials from the assets. They will then be packaged and forwarded to vendors for final processing.


It is essential to audit a recycler to ensure that they are not letting these dangers to accumulate excessively in their processing facility. There are numerous reported instances of less reputable recyclers stockpiling and abandoning CRT displays containing leaded glass.

Equally critical is ensuring that they are shipping hazardous chemicals to reliable, regularly audited downstream vendors.

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), Consumer Electronics and Small Domestic Appliances (SDA)

Regional differences exist in the regulations governing consumer e-waste recycling. Click the button below to learn more about our support for e-waste recycling.
Consumer e-Waste

We Can Help

Learn more about how GP works with clients to improve ITAD and electronic recycling program outcomes.